Tuesday 11 June 2013

Analysis of Algorithm

Introduction,   RAM model,     Worst-case complexity I Asymptotics                                                         Note 1

Asymptotics, Induction,
Divide and conquer, Merge sort Recurrence, Recursion tree
Note 2

Binary search, Powering, Matrix multiplication, Strassen's algorithm,
Master theorem

Note 3

Randomized algorithms,
Quicksort and its analysis

Note 4

Randomized Quicksort
Note 5

Selection in linear time, and
Lower bound on comparison sorts

Note 6

Counting sort and Radix sort
Hash tables and hash functions

Note 7.1
Note 7.2

Universal hashing
Note 8

Perfect hashing and
Binary search trees

Note 9.1
Note 9.2

Red-Black trees
Note 10

Augmenting data structures
Order statistics, Interval trees

Note 11

Greedy algorithms
Activity selection

Note 12

Greedy: Huffman trees,
Dynamic programming: Rod cutting

Note 13

Dynamic programming: Longest
common subsequence

Midterm in class

Dynamic programming: Optimal
binary search tree; midterm problems
Note 14

Amortized analysis
Note 15

Graphs and Breadth-first search
Note 16

Breadth-first search and its correctness
See Note 16

Depth-first search and Topological sort
Note 17

Strongly connected componentsMinimum spanning tree: the generic method Note 18

Minimum spanning trees:
Kruskal and Prim
Note 19

Single-source shortest path:
Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra

Note 20

All-pairs shortest paths
Note 21

Maximum Flow: Ford-Fulkerson Note 22

Edmonds-Karp, and
Maximum bipartite matching
Note 23

Note 24

Note 25

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