Monday 14 April 2014

C Operator Precedence Table

This page lists C operators in order of precedence (highest to lowest). Their associativity indicates in what order operators of equal precedence in an expression are applied.

( )
[ ]
++ --
Parentheses (function call) (see Note 1)
Brackets (array subscript)
Member selection via object name
Member selection via pointer
Postfix increment/decrement (see Note 2)
++ --
+ -
! ~
Prefix increment/decrement
Unary plus/minus
Logical negation/bitwise complement
Cast (convert value to temporary value of type)
Address (of operand)
Determine size in bytes on this implementation
*  /  % Multiplication/division/modulus left-to-right
+  - Addition/subtraction left-to-right
<<  >> Bitwise shift left, Bitwise shift right left-to-right
<  <=
>  >=
Relational less than/less than or equal to
Relational greater than/greater than or equal to
==  != Relational is equal to/is not equal to left-to-right
& Bitwise AND left-to-right
^ Bitwise exclusive OR left-to-right
| Bitwise inclusive OR left-to-right
&& Logical AND left-to-right
| | Logical OR left-to-right
? : Ternary conditional right-to-left
+=  -=
*=  /=
%=  &=
^=  |=
<<=  >>=
Addition/subtraction assignment
Multiplication/division assignment
Modulus/bitwise AND assignment
Bitwise exclusive/inclusive OR assignment
Bitwise shift left/right assignment
Comma (separate expressions) left-to-right
Note 1:
Parentheses are also used to group sub-expressions to force a different precedence; such parenthetical expressions can be nested and are evaluated from inner to outer.
Note 2:
Postfix increment/decrement have high precedence, but the actual increment or decrement of the operand is delayed (to be accomplished sometime before the statement completes execution). So in the statement y = x * z++; the current value of z is used to evaluate the expression (i.e., z++ evaluates to z) and z only incremented after all else is done.

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